From The Desk Of: Russell Brunson
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Subject: 30 Days To YOUR “One Funnel Away” Success Story
Dear Friend,
Have you ever thought...
I see people online talking about funnels... driving traffic... making sales.
And it seems like a ton of fun... but...
My name is Russell Brunson, and I'm the CEO and co-founder of a company called ClickFunnels...
Yes, I'm that guy on stage who is handing out the "two comma club" awards to entrepreneurs who have built successful funnels...
But what a lot of people don't know, is that every day I see between 750 and 1000 new people signup to ClickFunnels, to build funnels...hoping to turn their dreams into a reality...
Many make you can see from the videos and pictures...
But many more, don't. And that fact drives me crazy...
So I asked all my Two Comma Club winners...
...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.
At first I was nervous to send the email… but just seconds after I clicked “send” my nerves turned to excitement as I waited to hear back from them.
Over the next few days, the responses started to pour in from members of this exclusive club telling me their stories of when THEY were in that exact spot...
These were not quick emails they sent back to me, but detailed battle plans!
Some started from homelessness...
Others in jobs they hated…
And others just wanted more. But all of them ended in the same spot...On stage, with a "Two Comma Club" award in their hands!
Now mind you, I have read my fair share of crappy ebooks as well as other amazing marketing books, but NEVER have I EVER seen money making blueprints like these!
I re-read their 30 day plans, looking out for “loopholes”, like having to spend sums of money in some form or another, using special programs well beyond the reach of the average person, or having to “know” certain people.
As amazing as it might sound, the blueprints were almost flawless. There and then, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, that if anyone followed these plans to a T, they could be successful!
At first I planned on selling them…
But because of what I know they are worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell them…
I knew that if I did, the people who needed them the MOST, wouldn’t be able to afford them.
So, I emailed back each and every one of the 30+ people who responded…
At first, a few of them thought I was a little crazy…
But then one said Yes…
And then another!
So, WHO were the ones who were crazy enough to agree to help serve you at their HIGHEST level… so you can get limited-time access to these interviews!?!